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Relational Trauma

Relational trauma can be experienced at any time in our lives and can have a significant effect on our ability to lead a happy, satisfying and whole life.


Maybe you grew up in a household where significant unrest in the family home was regularly around you, either between the adults and/or siblings.


Perhaps you grew up in a home where domestic violence was a common occurrence.


Do you live or have you lived with an abuser - be it emotional, physical, financial? Have you been at the mercy of a boss, family member or partner who has affected you?


If you have experienced some kind of relational trauma it might have left you feeling unable to trust or relate to people, you might have developed certain types of coping strategies to help you at the time and now they might be hindering your ability to encounter loving and stable relationships.  Or may be what your experienced has left its mark by your own playing out of similar behaviour which you would like to change. 


Maybe you grew up with a dominant and/or abusive parent/grandparent/sibling which has affected your capacity to be who you know you are but are affected by a need to be pleasing and subservient to others.


You might be feeling lost and out of control now, with feelings of distress, shame, anger and anxiety.  You could be feeling preoccupied with traumatic events that happened to you, or experiencing flashbacks, and struggling to not let them overwhelm you.


Getting help from a counsellor like me, can help you to explore what is troubling you.  Many of the feelings that you may be experiencing will be normal responses to the trauma you have experienced.  Together we will explore your triggers and gain practical tools into how to self soothe to give you more space for tending to yourself and how you want to be.


Supporting people with traumatic experiences is something I care deeply about.  I have years of experience supporting people with traumatic histories.  I have been able to develop strong relationships with some amazing people, who trusted me enough to share their experiences and pain.  I have enormous respect for their courage and resilience - watching them develop and grow into confident secure individuals has been amazing.


Trauma counselling can improve your life in many ways, some of which are listed below:-


  • Communicate better in the relationship with those you love

  • Start to love life

  • Feel less distressed

  • Discover how to love yourself

  • Improve intimate relationships

  • Reduce flashbacks, panic attacks and preoccupation with traumatic memories.



If you would like to discuss the possibility of counselling, please complete the contact form below or leave a message on either of the numbers below and I will get back to you within 48 hours to discuss what might be the right next step.




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